About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Literary Geographies is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that provides a forum for new research and collaboration across the range of contemporary forms of literary geography.

Recognising in its inclusively plural title that multiple forms of literary geography currently coexist, the journal welcomes submissions from a diversity of disciplinary and interdisciplinary positions. As a result, and also in recognition of the journal’s wide-ranging readership across the humanities and social sciences, authors are requested to explain clearly how their submission relates to one or more of the existing traditions of work in literary geography and/or related fields.

Peer Review Process

Literary Geographies uses a double-blind review system for articles and an editorial review system for 'Thinking Space' pieces. Following an initial screening by the editors, the second stage of the review process for articles will usually involve reviewing by two referees. Referees are invited to review on the basis of their expertise in one or more of the themes covered in the paper. In principle the review process should be completed in less than four weeks. Referees are requested not to make their comments in the form of tracked changes to the original manuscript. In writing up their reviews, referees should consider the following questions:

Is the paper a good fit for the journal Literary Geographies?

Does the paper satisfy the journal's requirements for citation systems, etc?

Is the topic of the paper interesting and pertinent for the journal's readership?

Does the paper make a significant new contribution to the literature?

Does the paper display sound scholarship?

Is the paper clearly written and well structured?


Publication Frequency

Literary Geographies publishes one volume a year. At present each volume is expected to include two issues.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Code of Ethics

Code of conduct

The Literary Geographies code of conduct is based on COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Literary Geographies is a double blind peer-reviewed journal. This code of conduct provides the standards agreed upon by all parties involved in the publication process –editors, editorial board, authors, and reviewers.

1. Editors and editorial board

The editors are responsible for what is published in Literary Geographies. This responsibility is articulated through an editorial process designed to assure the quality of the published material. The process includes selection of articles, whether submitted independently, as a group selected by guest editors, or in response to a CFP from the journal. It also includes a double blind peer review procedure. The editors also regulate copyright infringement, plagiarism, and other problematic issues. They are committed to freedom of expression and fair evaluation, and strive to overcome biasses of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs. The editors have regular online meetings in which publication choices and procedures are discussed. The editorial board provides advice and peer review when appropriate and solicited.

2. Authors

Correspondence and information between authors and the editors is strictly confidential, and limited to the corresponding authors, the editorial staff, and possible reviewers, when necessary. No unpublished material will be disclosed without the express written consent of the author, who retains copyright and all other rights for materials submitted to Literary Geographies.

The journal does not consider submissions currently under review or being revised for other journals or publications. The journal does not consider already published materials, except, on occasion, translations of previously published material. Submissions must be original. Authors will acknowledge their sources and identify cited material following journal guidelines. Submissions should be a good fit for the journal’s aims, should meet the standards of the journal; should be formatted according to journal guidelines as detailed on the journal’s website; and should be original, clear, and constructive, contributing to collective knowledge and progress in literary geography.

Authorship is limited to those who have actively contributed to the research and writing of the submission. The corresponding author should ensure that no inappropriate authors are listed on the submission. In the case of co-authors, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to guarantee that all authors have seen and approved the submitted material.

Authors are responsible for informing the editors of any errors found in the publication.

3. Reviewers

Reviewers play an important role in the decision making process for submissions. Editors take reviewer assessments and recommendations into consideration while making the final decision regarding publication, revision, or rejection. Reviewers should meet the journal’s standards of objectivity, avoid personal criticism, accept authorial freedom of expression, and provide fair evaluations, making every attempt to overcome bias regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs. Referees’ comments should be constructive even when critical and justified by detailed reference to the manuscript. Reviewers also adhere to the journal’s standards of confidentiality.