Cartography as a Tool for Studying Iberian Literary Relationships: Evaluation of a Practical Experiment
digital humanities, Iberian studies, literary geography, digital cartography, GISAbstract
This article presents the results of the Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1870-1930) project, which applies a cartographic approach to interactions between Iberian literary systems in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Firstly, it provides an overview of the theoretical foundations underpinning the project, examining both the field of Iberian Studies, which forms the basis for the study, and the development of digital cartographies in recent years. Secondly, it explains the specific methodology used in the project, from the selection of data and their codification into a database to possible issues and options for visualization through interactive digital maps. Finally, the article presents a preliminary analysis of the results of the project and the conclusions emerging from the ‘digital map’. It seeks to demonstrate the way in which this innovative cartographic and visual approach to transnational literary history can serve as a tool to reflect on the centres, nodes and peripheries of the dissemination of Iberian cultures. In addition, the article highlights several limitations of the model, providing a stepping-stone from which to propose further developments.References
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