Literary Geography at the National Scale


  • Kieron Smith Swansea University
  • Jon Anderson Cardiff University


Mobility, scale, nation


Literary geography is now a remarkably mobile interdiscipline. While celebrating the advances in understanding enabled by such intellectual and methodological agility, this Thinking Space paper argues that we ought, at the same time, to keep in mind Edward Said’s observations on the matter of ‘traveling theory’, and to employ a critical reflexivity when applying abstract theories across heterogeneous spaces and contexts. It argues that the national scale deserves further attention as a material and imaginative locus of human, spatial and literary interactivity. 

Author Biographies

Kieron Smith, Swansea University

Honorary Research Fellow, CREW (Centre for Research into the English Literature and Language of Wales), Swansea University

Jon Anderson, Cardiff University

Professor in Human Geography, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University


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Thinking Space